Sunday, 28-04-2024


Wisdom Tooth Infection

How long does a Tooth Infection Go Untreated?

12 September 2022

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, appear or emerge as the last permanent teeth. It may occur in individuals in their late teens, early 20s, or later lives. The untreated wisdom tooth can increase the risk of the tooth becoming more ...

Deep Dental Cleaning

What Do You Need To Know Regarding Deep Dental Cleaning?

2 September 2022

Routine dental cleanings are not the same as deep cleanings. Dentists at teeth cleaning Miami perform this operation under the gum line and t clean pockets and hard-to-reach areas on your teeth, such as the roots. The outside and roots ...

Pain Last After Dental Work

How Long Does the Pain Last After Dental Work?

31 August 2022

When you go to the dentist for dental treatment or work, such as getting a cavity filled or a crown replaced, you might feel discouraged if your mouth still hurts for a few days after the treatment. Your mouth tenderness ...

Fluoride Treatment

What Are the Benefits, and Side Effects, of Fluoride Treatment?

23 August 2022

Fluoride is a natural mineral that builds strong teeth and eliminates cavities. It’s been an essential part of oral health for decades. Professional Fluoride Treatment supports healthy tooth enamel and fights bacteria and infections or diseases that harm teeth and ...

underbite braces

How To Correct An Underbite Without Surgery?

19 August 2022

According to an orthodontist Miami beach, an underbite negatively impacts your self-esteem in more ways than one. In addition to causing jaw pain and dental decay due to excessive wear on your tooth enamel, it can also cause persistent headaches. ...

cosmetic dentist

How to Choose a Dentist?

9 August 2022

You should know the difference between a general dentist, a cosmetic dentist, and a prosthodontist so that you can choose your dentist based on their work and specialties. You might need to do some dental research and start wondering what ...

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